Rail Temperature Monitoring Unit (RTM) – Track temperature monitoring solutions

“The Rail Temperature Monitors/Track Temperature Monitors from Yeltech are a proven and reliable asset to Network Rail. We use them during our hot weather period to monitor rail temperatures at remote sites across the infrastructure thus freeing up manpower to do other priority work.”

Daniel Anderson
Network Rail

  • Track temperature monitoring on UK and European rail networks
  • Detects and monitors track/rail temperature using temperature sensors
  • Continuous logging and real-time updates
  • Accurately monitor and track temperature remotely
  • Avoid major temperature performance and safety issues due to rail/track expansion/compression
  • Readings/Alarms sent via GSM/email for real-time temperature warnings
  • Mitigate the excessive cost of service failure of tracks/railways
  • Compatible with Network Rail II system – railway monitoring system
  • RTMU – rail temperature sensors – Easy to install and calibrate
  • A critical part of rail infrastructure monitoring
Rail Temperature Monitoring Unit on Railway Line

RTM – MK3 (Rail Temperature Monitoring Unit)

The  Rail Temperature Monitoring Unit is an automatic temperature warning system which uses highly accurate rail/track temperature sensor technology.  It attaches to rail lines in seconds by using a powerful built-in magnet. The RTM activates on attachment and begins sending data. It is designed to continuously monitor the temperature of rails on railway tracks during the summer and winter months.

The system runs in two modes: In Normal Mode below 25 degrees, it will batch data and send it every 12 hours. Above 25 degrees, the system will send data in Fast Transmission Mode every 30 or 60 minutes.  The system uses sensors to measure the temperature of the rails continuously and alerts maintenance crews if the temperature exceeds pre-defined thresholds.

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“We’ve incorporated YelTech’s Remote Monitoring Systems across several of our sites, and the impact has been remarkable. The real-time alerts and data collection have drastically reduced our response times and have helped us address potential issues before they escalate. The reliability and ease of use make YelTech’s products an invaluable part of our operations.”

Danielsen Didrik, Bane Nor

RTM Case

RTM attachment Spanish Railways

YelTech’s Track/Rail Temperature Monitoring system brings a signifiant increase in safety by real-time track temperature monitoring

The rail temperature monitoring system hooks into the easy-to-use YelCloud or can be integrated with existing monitoring systems to measure rail temperature remotely. No time consuming track side interventions are needed as all the rail temperature data and pre-set warnings are automated.

On average, track-side temperatures can exceed 20 degrees higher than the surrounding air/ambient temperature. With an accurate constant monitoring of track/rail temperature changes, it is easy to mitigate expansion and contraction problems.

Yeltech’s RTM (Rail Temperature Monitoring Unit) is allows cost efficient and safe collection of critical rail temperature information. Trains can be slowed on the tracks through heated sections and safety and maintenance schedules can be accurately planned.

The Rail Temperature Monitoring Unit is just one of several possible YelTech solutions to improve safety on the rail network. The RTMU is a robustly constructed piece of technical equipment requiring near zero-maintenance and very low power consumption, extremely long battery life.

See our launch pdf here on Railway News.

Rail Temperature Monitoring Unit Technical Specification

  • Lithium battery-powered 13Ah 3.6V
  • Up to 3 years of continuous operation
  • Readings/alarms sent via GSM/email
  • Compatible with Network Rail II system
  • Configure settings via text message
  • Operation temperature -20 to +70 °C
YELCloud interface

YELCloud Interface - accurate and easy to use

The RTM uses a mobile signal to send data, so it can be positioned remotely. Data is easily accessed through the YelCloud System and pre-defined alerts can be set both on the data interface and by sending an alert email to a pre-defined email address.

This Yeltech TRM system is designed to facilitate the implementation of speed restrictions on line sections, avoid costly manual assessments, prevent service disruption caused by rail buckling/distortion, and mitigate accidents from derailments. The track/rail temperature monitoring unit is a key part of the IoT railway sensor portfolio at YelTech with a proven record for reliability and a great asset for railway maintenance and trackside calibration.

Powerful attachment magnet

Powerful attachment magnet

RTM Case

RTM carrying case

RTM Dimensions

RTM Dimensions

RTM attached to railway line

RTM attached to railway line